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Apr 19

“Con chim sắp chết hót rất hay,
Con người sắp chết nói rất thật” (a)
Bác Hồ để lại “Lời di chúc”
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Trái tim yêu Nước của anh hùng
Đấu tranh vì giải phóng non sông
Chống 3 cường quốc bền gan sắt,
Dặn lại cháu con “dệt lụa hồng”
* * *
Trái tim nhân đạo người cộng sản
Đấu tranh vì hạnh phúc Công Nông
Đường “lê – ni – nít” đều chân bước,
Dặn lại năm châu “dẹp bất đồng”
* * *
Trái tim của người Cha, người Anh
Sưởi ấm đàn em lửa nhiệt tình
Như tim “Đan – kô” trong thần thoại (b)
Soi đường cho thế hệ hậu sinh.
* * *
“Đọc lời Di Chúc” theo chân Bác” (c)
Ôm trái tim Người áp tim mình,
Lướt tới! Bay lên! Đời thúc giục!
Ca vang “Điệp khúc Hồ Chí Minh”
Bi chú:
a, Lời thơ Phan Bội Châu trong “Ngục trung thư”
b, Trong thần thoại Nga, Đan – kô(Danko)
móc tim mình giơ cao làm ngọn đuốc cho
mọi người đi trong đêm tối.
c, Câu thơ Tố Hữu
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2014/06/14 13:15
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2014/06/12 12:32
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Tout a sans doute commencé par une trace, une empreinte de main quelque part dans une caverne Au fil des siècles, la question de la trace est restée, mais on l longtemps cantonnée sur les bas de la création avec un grand C : elle a été pensée en termes de reproduction, de copie, d dans la plupart des cas, en des termes d seconde, dérivée,air jordan site officiel, de pour reprendre une terminologie actuellement fort en vogue, de inscrite dans une perspective hiérarchique par rapport à une oeuvre originale ou première. ( Aujourd avec la dématérialisation, la contextualisation et le côté de plus en plus processuel de la création, la question de la trace, rebondit au premier plan. ( To be here (happy) d idée simple : aller replanter un cactus dans son contexte d (fantasmatique)..
As explained in the Quinn declaration, Apple's premise is factually unfounded and contrary to settled law. Nowhere does Apple even address, let alone refute, these points. What do you think of the entire courtroom drama that is going on?. IN FLAMES est un groupe de Death mélodique né en 1990 quand trois membres de Ceremonial Oath, Jesper Strömblad, Johan Larsson et Glenn Ljungström, quittent le groupe pour commencer un projet musical seuls. Ils enregistrent une courte démo, avec Mikael Stanne, futur membre du groupe Dark Tranquillity, au chant, qui fut envoyée à plusieurs labels. Le propriétaire de Wrong Again Records pensa que le groupe avait de l'avenir et conclut bientôt un contrat avec le groupe..
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C'est salutaire, car c'est la fin d'un tabou. La fiction française s'attaque enfin à de l'histoire récente. ». Mais DD ne souhaitait pas prendre la succession de son ami Laurent Blanc vu les circonstances dans lesquelles ce dernier a quitté samedi son poste. L'ancien entraîneur des Girondins n'a pas accepté les conditions fixées par Le Graët, à savoir la réduction de son staff ainsi que le salaire de certains membres dudit staff" . Après cette défection surprise de Deschamps, Noël Le Graët va devoir trouver un plan B.
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2014/04/16 15:52
County Kilkenny, Ireland, within the  age of twofiveyears, a woman must have an perfectbody as it's been through puberty. however it didn't happen to Kate Quinn that suffered from an extraordinary condition, which makes it not been through puberty didn't even wear a bra.      in this topic          6 belongings your Teen must seek out out about Sex          Turning Points in Life          Early Adulthood          Is My Abused Son Bipolar?          "Till Death" He Said, But Now...      
County Kilkenny, Ireland, within the  age of twofiveyears,designer sunglasses, a woman must have an perfectbody as it's been through puberty. however it didn't happen to Kate Quinn that suffered from an extraordinary condition, which makes it not been through puberty didn't even wear a bra.
Kate Quinn (2fiveyears) affected by an extraordinary condition known ascaudal Regression Syndrome (CRS). These conditions make it feel like trapped within the  body of adolescents aged 12 years who had never been through puberty, irregular menstruation or need to shop for a bra.
This condition also makes the underlying bone has not been well developed, in order that if a topstanding womanfrom Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, is simply one44 cm. Kate Quinn also believed to be the one woman in eirewho has a CRS condition.
Now Quinn, who said he had spent his life because the early 20-anythingyears to 'hide' and living in 'limbo', has asked health workers to return and heal him.
"i think it is going to be uncapable of findinglove unless I became a lady's 'real'," explains Kate Quinn from Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, as reported by Dailymail, Monday (09/01/2012).
Doctors said the truth that he never through puberty some of the unwanted effects of the condition of scarcity, but doctors couldn't explain why it happened.
Hormones Quinn doesn't work well because this is related to  CRS condition. For that, doctors had given hormone injections for 7 years so that you can encourage the body to experience puberty. Unfortunately, the hassle has not been successful.
from side to side on a daily basis to the hospital also makes Quinn couldn't sign up for school courses or get a role.
"The longer it lasts, the more felt bad because on the age of one2 or 14 years sayaberpikir that my body will grow, but now on the age of twofiveyears I simplywonder whether it istoo late," said Quinn.
Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS) is an extraordinary disorder by which the lower spine doesn't develop properly and estimated that just affects 1 in 25,000 people worldwide.
This condition may cause medical problems including the absence of an element of the tail bone area to malformations of the pelvis and spine.
Severe cases could make sufferers paralyzed and suffered from incontinence (bowel obstruction). Several studies have speculated that this condition could also be associated withloss of food, including a loss of folic acid.
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